June 1, 2015

You get your big baseball bat and you come back on the scene

This weekend was the most fun I had in a really long time...I drove four hours to see The Fray in Dallas back and forth in one day. It feels like yesterday when I was only dreaming about driving to different area codes to see them. It's all very new for me still and I get so excited when I get to see them time and time again. It is a rush like no other. I think the fun really started when I knew it would be raining in Houston. Everyone in the lawn was asked to move up and there happened to be two empty seats in back of the sound board. I got to stay there almost half way through their set. The kind lady that worked for the venue helped us out with more seats near by. It got a lot harder to see but I was dancing, singing, and jumping so much that I got a high five from a person near by hah. I loved every second of it. After their set was over we wanted to get back to the lawn. I guess I was having so much fun that I ended up losing my phone (no surprise). I was so bummed out and kept praying during Train's set that it would show up somehow. After the show we want back to the parking garage where we parked on the roof and the buses were near by. I forgot to mention that before the concert, I rolled down my windows and blasted their music in hopes that they could hear it. I was so lost in the moment and all I wanted was for it to last forever. I could tell you all the tiny specs of details that happened on those two nights that never went unnoticed. I missed them so so much. One year went by fast but it sure made me realize that it's always worth the wait for them. Someone ended up turning in my phone at South Gate. What a successful night.

April 17, 2015

In a wicker basket tied to a balloon

I never imagined I would be buying tickets to see Conor Oberst in Brooklyn, NY. If you told me 6 months ago that this would be happening, I would've never believed it. Tickets just went live and I already have mine. That announcement was so unexpected. I made sure to plan around that time in case I was able to make it Governors Ball but seeing how I'm only gonna be in NY for four days, I knew time would be measurable. I'm so happy this worked out. I never saw any of it coming. Julia says the venue is super close to her apartment. Let the countdown begin. Last night I had another unexpected moment. David Greco who's best friends with Ben Wysocki and whom I've been mutually friends with for so many years, unexpectedly got a hold of me and we were able to meet up and have a couple beers together. It was my first time meeting him and it felt like I was catching up with an old friend. It's crazy how easy he made it for me and how comfortable and open I felt once we started to converse. Sometimes even to the point where I'd forget who I was sitting in front of hah. There was this one particular moment when Churchill's song "Changes" came on through the speakers and at first I thought it was just in my head and I had to get some reassurance from Greco. I couldn't stop laughing. "Denver" was definitely making itself known. Before you know it, we were having a mini "listening" party to his new tracks and upcoming album The End Times. Short but sweet time. I'll definitely be seeing him soon when I visit LA in the summer. I have a list of places he recommended and can't wait to check out. Still can't shake off this feeling. It's so strange how unexpected things can happen. I've just been so busy planning moments instead of living them day by day so it's different and it's a whole 'nother ballgame...

March 16, 2015

Big Cheeseburgers & Good French Fries

I couldn't have spent Townes birthday weekend any other way. I celebrated in his honor by going down to the Cactus Cafe in Austin, TX and having a cup of coffee overlooking the stage he once used to play at. I got chills when I saw the framed poster on the wall with his signature and words that read Cactus was his home. It was freezing out and rainy and the windows were foggy and I was so tempted for a drink at the bar...I didn't want to leave but I had a different destination in mind. Plans to go and see Blaze Foley's grave even with the raining coming down as hard as it was that day. I threw on my rain pancho and sat there at his grave for a brief moment hearing the rain fall and a cat crying in the distance. The flowers fell down and so I dug them deep back into the soil. I just kept picturing how it was like during that time when both Blaze and Townes were alive. I felt so lucky they were near and at the same time very sad. It was a memorable moment that I didn't want to be over. On the ride out of Manchaca I just laid back on the passenger seat and out loud I started to say goodbye to everything. Goodbye Austin, goodbye Pedernales, goodbye Blaze Foley, goodbye Cactus Cafe, goodbye True Blue, goodbye In-n-out, goodbye wild pigs, goodbye wolf mountain, and as soon as I thought I was done saying goodbye I look up and see "Saddle Creek" apartments. I just laughed and said goodbye "Saddle Creek". This weekend they are having a showcase at SXSW and even though Kevin Devine falls on the same night back at home, I'm leaving for Austin. Thankfully he'll be playing at a Joe's Crab Shack in Austin that same morning so it works out even better. I'm so excited!!

February 26, 2015

The lights in the harbor don't shine for me i'm like a lost ship adrift on the sea

I've been learning how to juggle life lately. In the sense of going back and forth and in circles and trying to not let this "normal" people shit suck the life out of me. And even though I feel so helpless about it somehow I'm always able to receive a sign that nothing hasn't changed and if anything it's stronger than it was before. SO many things have happened that I wish I could share on here. Steve Earle made it to Houston and he talked about Townes and snow covered mountains and a blue dog and it made me think about the fall and the beginning of winter and it was something that I needed to hear. I know I keep saying this but I have to say it again. I'm scared that with time everything will be replaced and I've been getting so used to these moments that truly woke me in a way I never experienced before...so there's just no way in me moving on from it. I think about it almost every single day. I'm having even stronger precognitions in my dreams and now i'm dating this amazing guy since December...and well he knows about my dreams and i have someone to finally share it with. I've saved up for New York in the summer and i've been contemplating to buy my plane ticket so I can make it official. Julia is letting me stay in her apartment and I can't wait to make this finally happen. It hurts so bad that I can't be in New Orleans during Mardi Gra but I don't regret a single thing. I'm looking forward to staying in Brooklyn and I just can't believe this is gonna happen. I meant to write my thoughts sooner. I don't know why I've been bottling it all up. My emotions are really high up there right now. See you very soon.

January 13, 2015

No sad songs

"I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other. 

Then some one at my side says: 'There, she is gone!' 

'Gone where?' 

Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port. 

Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the moment when some one at my side says: 'There, she is gone!' there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout: 'Here she comes!' And that is dying."

- Henry Van Dyke

December 30, 2014

Bluebird bluebird please take a letter down south for me...

My friend who went with me to Galveston this past weekend to visit the Old Quarter Cafe, well he works for Comcast and he got to work inside of Milton Hopkins house. He had no idea who he was until he went inside of the room where he kept all his guitars and they started talking about music. That's when my friend brought up Blaze Foley and Milton started talking about how he knew him and had met him a couple times. He told my friend he was a jazz blues musician and even signed him a CD. My friend called me freaking out and when he told me his last name was Hopkins I had to find out if he was related to Sam Lightnin' Hopkins. And much to my amaze, he is Lightnin' Hopkins cousin. Milton has toured with Marvin Gaye, Lou Rawish, Sam Cooke, and was the rhythm guitarist for B.B. King for eight years. It's crazy that this happened because we just got to talk to Rex Blues and he got to play bass for Lighnin' and Townes Van Zandt was greatly influenced by Lightnin' and I just feel like this connects with everything that's been happening these past few months. As if it's is manifesting itself piece by piece right in front of me...Milton gave my friend his card and told him if he ever needed a guitar lesson to call him up if he's available. I'm determined to meet Milton and hear a few of his stories. Sunday he's having a show and I'm already excited to go.

December 24, 2014

Today my twin brother told me he's having a baby. And the expected due date is July 25th :)

December 19, 2014

I'm here, then I'm gone, and I'm forever blue.

I drove out to Galveston yesterday to celebrate Blaze Foley's birthday. I got to experience the island in a different light and fell so in love with it. I had one destination in mind that day and that was to visit the Old Quarter Cafe where rare pictures and memorabilia of Townes Van Zandt and Blaze Foley hang on the wall. Walking in there felt like being a part of a private concert. The bar had just opened for the night and I wasn't expecting to walk right in while Rex Bell (Long time friend of Townes and Foley and partner of the original Old Quarter in Houston) sound checked and sung about gypsies and the blues. I never imagined I would get that lucky. After three cups of Rex's famous "Star Bock", endless laughter, and his amazing short stories and covers of Foley and Townes, I felt like this day amounted to everything. I told Rex it was Blaze's birthday and he was in such awe. He'd forgotten it and that's when he went right in with his cover of "Clay Pigeons" and "Officer Norris" and I lost it. He called us the best audience and I could tell he meant it. At one point Bell's wife Janet got onstage and sung a song for us she wrote for Townes. She didn't have a name for it but when she introduced it as "A song for Townes", it stuck. The emotion when her voice cracked almost made me choke up. Being in that bar room and witnessing their grief and love for Townes, it was too much to ever forget. After the private concert, open mic was in session. It wasn't long until Rex approached me and invited me to check out all his rare pictures of Townes and other notable musicians. We discussed everything from his bass playing with Lightnin' Hopkins, his recordings with Lucinda Williams in Happy Women Blues, and his happy memories with Townes Van Zandt. All in all it was surely a celebration to remember. I was able to take a few pictures and voice memos of Rex playing on my iphone and a few pictures in his office. I'm hoping I could share some of it on New Years Day. It would only make sense. :)

December 10, 2014

"I even saw the Eiffel tower and a sovenir snow globe"

December is here and all I can say is time seems to be going much faster than it was two months ago. I'm stuck in between that moment of the beginning of the year and now and it's all too much. I sure am going to miss 2014. It will go down as one of the best. i wish time wasn't moving so fast. I wish it would slow itself down. i was caught staring at a Christmas globe right before listening to this song called "Sugar Street" from Conor Oberst and then i saw my Paris Eiffel tower on the ground while the record played for the first time. it made so much sense. I'm just ready for my Christmas break. I need this time to unwind. This has truly been an amazing year.